
Elisa Innocenti, Attorney at Law in Criminal defence

She obtained a law degree from the University of Florence on 11th July 2012, during the Academic year 2011/2012, with a criminal procedural law thesis.

Criminal law attorney in Florence, she is a member of the Bar register of Florence since 7th January 2016, She is a member of the Gambogi law firm since September 2012.

During her stay at the Gambogi law firm she has deepened the criminal-tax and criminal-commercial matters, in addition to the profiles concerning the responsibility of the Agencies

  • Caso Taricco: anche la Cassazione solleva questione di legittimità costituzionale con riferimento alla ‘nuova prescrizione’ in materia di gravi frodi Iva” (“Taricco case: the Supreme Court also raises the issue of constitutional lawful with reference to the 'new prescription' on serious VAT fraud “) in Diritto & Giustizia on-line on 5th August 2016;
  • Termine di prescrizione più lungo per le ‘gravi’ frodi Iva” (“Longer prescription term for 'serious' VAT fraud”), in Il Tributo, no. 15/16, page 56.

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